Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas in New York 2005

Passed on by a special reader...

'Twas five days before Christmas and all through the town; Not a train wasup running, they'd all been shut down.

The turnstiles were locked and the stations were cleared, in hopes that the MTA would give them their share.

The workers were nestled all snug in their booths; Where oft they're foundsleeping, to tell you the truth.

Toussaint wants their pensions to be like the cops' - you know, 'cause it'sstressful announcing each stop.

Alas, from the public arose such a clatter, Their leader seems not to have thought out the matter.

With shoppers not shopping and travel delayed, public support dwindled, NewYorkers' nerves frayed.

You dumb, lazy morons! The people did cry. Pensions the same as the FDNY?It'll cost us a fortune, illiterate twits!The people weren't happy. In fact, they threw fits.

There's strength in a union, or so they believed but not before Christmas -now everyone's peeved. It's terrible timing for stranding the masses; If Reagan were here he'd havefired your asses.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Separated at Birth?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

International TWU urged TWU 100 Not to Strike!!!

STRIKE seems the International TWU urged the local union NOT to stirke. Also, a judge is broken is imposing a $1,000,000 a day fine on TWU 100 for vioalting the Taylor Law.

NYJUSTICE'S PREDICTION: Strike ends tonight at 830 PM. The TWU 100 got its point across (and in fact only angered people rather than cause sympathy) and can't oafford the $1 million a day fine. Besides Toussaint is afraid of being held in contempt and spending some time in Rikers.

Why the transit strike is aiding the terrorists.

STRIKE is nearly impossible to "close down" the New York City subway. It is designed to operate 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Many areas do not contain locked doors (Q: Why does a 24-hour 7-11 have locks on the door? A: In case the slurpie guys go on strike.) The NYPD is concerned that this is a perfect time for terrorists to sabotage the system. If something happens, who is to blame?

Toussaint , where did they find this guy?

Has Roger Toussaint worked a day in his life? Does he have any idea what he is doing? Are you telling me of all the transit workers, past and present, and anyone else cut out to be a union president, this is the guy they found? I think if the TWU had a better president then they would have gained more respect from the public.

Proof that the TWU 100 is broken: apparently their website crashed during the strike. See the Dec. 2oth post.


TWU 100 Strikes...the TWU 100 better have enough money to not only pay tjhe fines that the 33,000 transit workers will be paying the state, but also to pay for all of the lost revenue to the city and to businesses, to pay the police overtime, and to pay for the PSAs and press releases the City has put out. But most importantly, to pay the citizens of this city for Metro-North and LIRR tickets, increased cab fares, thera-flu and doctors bills, gasoline, and parking fees. I suggest everyone KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS and send them to TWU 100 president Roger Toussaint and ask him to pay.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Will TWU 100 go all the way at midnight?...I doubt it. They took the easy way out. These workers are not covered by the Taylor Law.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Photo of the day.

STRIKE WATCH strike yet...more to come soon

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Guess who has a blog on blogspot???

TWU Local 100 Check out all of the angry comments.


FROM THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY...the MTA has also listed its contingency plan. It also posted the injuctions prohibiting the TWU from striking. Stay tuned to Railravings for up to date info. Follow the news stories on 1010 Wins.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So, how are you going to get to work on Friday?

FROM THE NEW YORK CITY most of you know the TWU's contract runs out at midnight on Friday. That may leave over 7 million people without a way to get to work. But, have no fear, the City of New York (which is not a party to the negoiations) has come up with a contingency plan. Good luck and don't be late on Friday; there is no excuse, we all knew about the possibility of a strike for several weeks. BE PLANBDEXTRIOUS!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What's up G?

FROM THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY...everything you ever wanted to know about the G train courtesy of the New York Times.

How do YOU feel about the new subway regulations?

FROM THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY...our first READERS FORUM...yesterday the MTA announced five new "shalt nots" for the subway and buses. Some of them make sense, others are just downright crazy. review the new rules and let us know how you feel about the new regs. Are you going to obey them or are you going to say #$%! the new rules.