Wednesday, April 23, 2008


FROM THE DC/MD/VA METRO...with the conviction of former transit supervisor who stole more than $560,000 and the seizure of over $75,000 METRO has reqalized it no longer needs to raise fares. The money from the seizure and the fact they will no longer lose $12,000 a month from this stealing b**** will be more than enough to lower fares by 2 cents were ride.

Ok, just kidding...but I am struck by the investigative journalism of the Washington Post...the story reads:
Catoe said the agency has not identified a particular motive in the theft.
"We received no comments from anyone that these monies were needed," he
"This was just a case of an employee who stole money from the public."

Well, if you look up the page you'll see the motive for this woman who makes $48,000 a year:

Prosecutors said today in court that Anderson used the money to make down payments on two homes, one in the District and one in Silver Spring, purchase a Nissan Pathfinder and pay $37,000 for a BMW, laptops and home furnishings.

Ever wonder why...

Ever wondered "why is there carpeting in the Metro?" Well, Metro officials are wondering the same thing. Most subways have tile of linoneum floors making it easier to sweep, mop, wipe, clean, them. WMATA is considering changing it's floors accroding to the dcist.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Don't Forget to Vote

Skateboards are transportation too...while you are enjoying your $9 Metro funpass on April 17, one lucky New York youngster will be enjoying the glory having designed the official Papal Visit Skateboard. Don't forget to vote for your favorite. Voting ends at 12:01 am on April 12th, so hurry.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The new "Pope-Mobile"?

FROM THE appears WMATA is at it again, this time with a "controversial" web ad promoting the $9 Metrocard to commemorate the Pope's visit to America. Following the rave of the "Peeps" ad, Metro decided to depict the Pope (by way of Benedict XVI bobble head) going Mass at National Field via the Metro. Good times.