How do YOU feel about the new subway regulations?
FROM THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY...our first READERS FORUM...yesterday the MTA announced five new "
shalt nots" for the subway and buses. Some of them make sense, others are just downright crazy. review the new rules and let us know how you feel about the new regs. Are you going to obey them or are you going to say #$%! the new rules.
I kinda sorta see the point of the no open container law in DC where the the cars have carpeting, but in New York? Fughedaboutit.
The Post article didn't really go over what the other new regs were beside not walking between cars - also silly to me. But I will abide when in NYC like the good little law abider I am.
Interesting point Paul about the regs not being listed in the article. I couldn't find them on the MTA website either. Public notice?
The rules have been posted online.
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