Friday, June 16, 2006


THE 100TH POSTING ON RAILRAVINGS...We would like to thank all of our loyal readers and commentors through the years. We will be hosting a celebration sometime this summer to thank our loyal bloggers and bloggettes.

FROM THE NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY..."starting at fullback, number 44, NYJUSTICE"...when I was preparing to exit the train today at the Delancy/Essex Streets station to transfer for a downtown JMZ train, I noticed the woman sitting in the row of seats next to me preparing to detrain as well. I was about 10-15 feet from the train doors, but there were at least a dozen people standing in between me and the door. As the door opened and I began to move towards the door, I felt this woman's hand grabbing my shirt and pushing me into the crowd towards the open door. She was holding on to me for dear life. I was saying excuse me (should have said "excuse us") to the people in front of me (the O-Line) and they were slowly parting for me and my running back. As we inched towards the door and a stream of people were exiting in front of us I felt her again grab hold, just like a running back would grab his fullback and push through on a HB dive play. Well, we made it safely through the hole and to the endzone. However, there were no highfives or chest bumps. I walked modestly up the stairs to the JMZ platform knowing I had done by deed as the unsung hero of the backfield. To fullbacks everywhere--your duties do not go unnoticed, we salute you.