FROM THE DC/MD/VA METRO...with the conviction of former transit supervisor who stole more than $560,000 and the seizure of over $75,000 METRO has reqalized it no longer needs to raise fares. The money from the seizure and the fact they will no longer lose $12,000 a month from this stealing b**** will be more than enough to lower fares by 2 cents were ride.Ok, just kidding...but I am struck by the investigative journalism of the Washington Post...the story reads:
Catoe said the agency has not identified a particular motive in the theft.
"We received no comments from anyone that these monies were needed," he
"This was just a case of an employee who stole money from the public."
Well, if you look up the page you'll see the motive for this woman who makes $48,000 a year:
Prosecutors said today in court that Anderson used the money to make down payments on two homes, one in the District and one in Silver Spring, purchase a Nissan Pathfinder and pay $37,000 for a BMW, laptops and home furnishings.